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Mon, Apr 01




Embark on an week long journey through the elements, centered on Breathwork, ceremonies, rituals AND plant magic- in the enchanting setting of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala—one of my favorite places in the world.

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Time & Location

Apr 01, 2024, 3:00 PM – Apr 08, 2024, 12:00 PM

Tzununa, The Seed Habitat Lake Atitlan, Tzununa, Guatemala


About the Event

Experience the Magic of Ceremonial Breathwork: Join me for an Enchanting 8-Day Retreat and Training in one of my favorite places in the world- Lake Atitlan, Guatemala


Immerse yourself in a transformative journey through the elements in one of the world's most cherished destinations. I am thrilled to invite you to an extraordinary training and retreat that combines the power of breathwork, ceremonies, rituals, and plant magic, all set against the backdrop of breathtaking landscapes.

Highlights of Our Unforgettable Journey Together:

🌬️ Level 1 and 2 of the Ceremonial Breathwork Curriculum- Embark on a profound exploration of breathwork, learning the art of healing through the breath. Whether you're a healing practitioner or seeking personal wellness, this training equips you with invaluable tools to guide yourself and others towards vitality.

🌿 Daily Ceremonies with Inspiring Teachers- Engage in daily ceremonies led by me and my revered mentors, teachers and friends. Experience the deep resonance of cacao and fire ceremonies, mystical healing plant rituals, and the ancient tradition of Temazcal, all designed to ignite your spiritual connection.

🏞️ Exclusive Accommodations at the Seed Habitat- Indulge in the luxury of the Seed Habitat, offering exclusive accommodations with a plunge pool and panoramic views of majestic volcanoes. Immerse yourself in the tranquility and beauty of this sacred space.

🍽️ Culinary Delights- Savor the delights of three daily gourmet meals, thoughtfully prepared using locally sourced ingredients. Nourish your body as you nourish your soul.

🕺 Movement, Dance, and Healing Practices- Experience the rhythm of daily movement, ecstatic dance, and breathwork sessions that facilitate emotional release and trauma healing. Embrace the transformative power of your body's innate wisdom.

🌱 Herbal Wisdom and Medicine Making- Unlock the secrets of herbal healing through enlightening lectures and hands-on medicine making classes. Deepen your connection to nature's remedies.

🍫 Day Trip to the Enchanting Cacao Forest- Embark on a journey to my cherished cacao forest, a place of natural wonder that resonates with the magic of the earth.

🎶 Sound Healing and Sacred Song Circles- Participate in sound healing, enchanting song circles, voice activations, and soul-stirring Kirtan sessions. Connect with the healing resonance of sound.

Breathe, Heal, Transform: About the Ceremonial Breathwork Training Level 1 and 2

This training is a gateway to mastering breathwork as a therapeutic practice. Whether you're new to breathwork or a seasoned practitioner, this curriculum offers:

🌀 In-depth Understanding- Delve into the science behind breathwork and gain insights into the nervous system. Learn about energy centers (chakras) and techniques to balance them.

🌬️ Breathwork Techniques Explore the simplicity of the 3-part breath technique, along with other calming patterns that enhance ceremonies. Discover the potential of breathwork for healing, relaxation, and empowerment.

🌟 Integrative Learning For healing practitioners-this training enhances your offerings by integrating breath as medicine. Explore the chakra energy system and learn to diagnose and release blockages.

🌍 Elemental Wisdom Connect with the elements and harness their healing wisdom. Create sacred spaces, release energy blockages, and invite allies for profound healing.

✨ Authentic Ceremony Creation- Learn to craft your own rituals with tools like sacred smokes, essential oils, herbs, and cacao. Develop a unique ceremony that resonates with your essence.

🎵 Music Mastery- Discover the art of selecting music for different ceremonies, and gain access to curated playlists for each chakra.

🌿 Herbal Alchemy- Unveil the magic of herbal medicine making. Craft your own elixirs and embrace the healing potential of plants.

🎤 Voice Activation- Amplify your confidence in sharing your authentic voice through voice activation exercises.

💚 Empowerment and Integration- Step into your power, recognize your worth, and learn how to charge for your transformative work.

Your journey with me and my team extends beyond breathwork. Experience a Temazcal womb ceremony, traditional cacao ceremonies, and more. Dive into nature immersions, daily movement practices, and spiritual self-care.

Your transformation begins here. Discover the profound connection between breath, ritual, and magic. Elevate your practice, empower your presence, and awaken the healer that we both know lives within you- otherwise you would not have read this far:)

Reserve your space now for an unforgettable adventure of healing, growth, and self-discovery. Your destiny awaits in the embrace of elemental breathwork.

Note: All offerings are subject to change based on availability and circumstances. Additional charges apply for optional ceremonies.

Contact me to learn more and secure your place. Let the journey begin!

What past students have to say:

This training is beyond learning about the breath and how to hold a safe and sacred space. Not only do I feel like a different person leaving- more liberated, expressed, free and supported- but I also feel like I’ve learnt so much about how to alchemist, transform and heal through nature, singing and our breath. I cant recommend this enough! Nina is the most beautiful teacher and spaceholoer and I cant imagine a safer space. This was one of the most transformational trainings I’ve been to and it reminded and taught me so much about love, life and nature - Malvina

Nina, thank you for your space holding, your knowledge and deep wisdom. Its been profound and so transformative. I feel empowered to water my seeds and allow myself to walk my path, so grateful- Emma

Det är en magisk känsla att få ta del av andra kvinnors erfarenheter, visdom och kärlek. Känslan av gemenskap som uppstår är svår att beskriva. Jag känner mig sedd, upplyft, stärkt och ser fram emot att fortsätta i samma anda. Nina har en sällsynt förmåga att skapa en trygg miljö och jag är hedrad att få ta del av hennes kunskap.- Annie

A magical weekend at the magical Meadow- a place for love, light, healing and connection. Tack Nina for sharing your power- Holli

Fantastisk utbildning med så mycket mer och själ än vad jag förväntade mig. Gediget material och väl genomtänkt upplägg utan att tumma på kvaliteten och samtidigt behålla det själsliga. Rekommenderas varmt- Lisa

Thank you Nina for this wonderful experience. Grateful to receive your medicine and it opened up a whole new dimension to self care, how to create more joy and pleasure in my life and reconnect with mama nature- Marsela

Discover the Magic of Breath

Transformational Breathwork has incredible healing potential. By adjusting the way we breathe, we can relieve stress, find new energy, heal from past hurts, and reclaim parts of ourselves that we may have lost. This particular type of breathwork allows us to enter a different state of mind and tap into timeless wisdom. It also helps us release emotions we've been holding onto and let go of things we don't need.

This way of breathing is safe and has been shown to help with stress, anxiety and depression. It can even improve things like high blood pressure and help us sleep better. If you're ready to take charge of your own healing journey and bring more wholeness into your life, Ceremonial Breathwork may be just what you need.

Understanding the Chakras

Imagine that your body has seven special energy centers. These are like switches that affect how you feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Sometimes these switches get out of balance-they can be stuck, too active, or not active enough. This can make us feel confused, sad, or like something isn't quite right.

But there's good news. We can balance these energy centers using special techniques, such as making certain sounds, practicing different ways of breathing, and doing certain movements. When we do this, it's like turning on a positive flow of energy. This can bring us good feelings, clarity, and enthusiasm for life.

There is no need to know anything about breathwork to participate in this training. Everyone is welcome!

And if you're worried about the cost, don't be. I offer flexible payment plans that can make it easier for you. Just contact us and we can talk about it.

*This training is taught in English.

About the location and how to get here:

Tzununá, Lake Atitlán, Guatemala. ‘The land of eternal spring’: beautiful, temperate weather, a spectacular setting, rich indigenous culture and a readymade conscious community. 

Across Tzununá and San Marcos, an engaged, conscious community has striven for years to perfect an alternative lifestyle, developing educational and wellness offerings for adults and children. To us, this is what stands out about The Seed – that, and the incredible natural beauty that surrounds us, deemed ‘the most beautiful lake in the world’ by Aldous Huxley.

You will find The Seed in Tzununá, a traditional Kaqchiquel village and alternative community with yoga, kirtans, a permaculture school and a smattering of health-food restaurants on the shores of landmark Lake Atitlan. Their neighbouring village, San Marcos, is renowned for its alternative community and spiritual classes, courses and events, plus an abundance of healers and practitioners, from massage to acupuncture, an esteemed Waldorf school and a second pioneering educational project. Around the lake, you’ll also find activities such kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding and swimming, and an ease of access through boat travel, tuk-tuks and hiking trails.

Arrival Info Arriving to The Seed: I advise arriving in Guatemala at least 1 day prior to the start of the event.  It takes 4-5 hours to get to The Seed from the airport. Once you have your flights booked I can support you in making an effortless and safe travel flow.  You can either stay 1 night in Antigua (1 hour from the airport and 3 hours to The Seed) or go straight to Lake Atitlan.

Be aware that you may be required to show proof of vaccination if your flight takes you through the US, even if it is just a transit flight. Please call your airline and get all the details directly. To enter Guatemala you do not need proof of vaccination or a negative covid-test.

Departure info

I advise to stay at least one more day after the training to integrate and not have to rush out but of course completely optional. 

We will help arrange your transport to the airport in a safe matter:)

Cancellation policy:

If you cancel your spot more than 2 months before retreat starts we will keep a cancellation and admin fee of 200 euro

If you cancel less than 30 days before the start of the retreat you will get 50% refund

If you cancel less than 14 days before we start the retreat you will not get a refund.



    Price valid from Jan 15th

    +€67.38 service fee
    Sold Out
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    For you who paid 500 euro deposit, this is the link to pay the rest before March 1st

    +€47.38 service fee
    Sale ended
  • Carolina Pay the Rest

    +€36.45 service fee
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