Transform the way you love, live, work and walk your unique path on this earth. Reconnect with your sensuality, embrace authentic expression, and step into full embodiment. This journey is designed for the woman who feels overwhelmed by the weight of expectations to have it all and be it all—those ready to cultivate deep fulfillment, optimal health, intimate connections, and vibrant aliveness.
If you feel that it’s time to honor your wild spirit, nurture your self-love, and awaken your innate power within, then enter our circle and remember who you truly are and activate the magic you bring to the world.
Curious to discover the Wild Bloom Academy of Breath and Herbs and its Breathwork Training Online?
Omfamna andningens helande magi tillsammans med ört och växtmedicinens visdom och ge dig ut på en resa av helande och bli certifierad i Breathwork.
Bege dig ut på en transformativ 7-månaders resa som blandar breathwork, örtvisdom, voice activation, chakra-healing och hjärtcentrerat ledarskap till en stärkande upplevelse.
Detta omfattande program erbjuder både personlig läkning och en väg till professionell utveckling.
Vi börjar med en inledande utbildning från Februari till Juni, där vi lägger grunden för breathwork, chakrahealing och grunderna i örtmedicin.
Sedan kan du välja att fortsätta från September till November med mer avancerade tekniker och vidareutbildning, som kulminerar i din certifiering till erfaren lärare av ceremoniell breathwork och sacred space holding, med naturen som ditt medicinskåp.
Förbered dig på att vägleda andra, som certifierad lärare i ceremoniell breathwork, sacred space holder samt ört och växtmedicin.
För att ta reda på mer om denna speciella möjlighet och följa med mig på denna transformativa väg, klicka på länken.
Join my FREE Awaken your Inner Medicine Woman experience on November 20 to see if this is for you!
Become a Certified Ceremonial Breathwork Practitioner, Sacred Space Holder, and begin Your Path to Becoming a Plant Priestess
Everything You Need to Know About The Breathwork Training Online
This comprehensive program offers both personal healing and a pathway to professional development.
Start with foundational learning from January to May 2025, where you'll lay the groundwork in breathwork, chakra healing, and the basics of herbalism.
Breathwork Training Online to Become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator
Then, choose to continue the Breathwork Training Online from September to December with advanced techniques and professional development, culminating in your certification as a skilled practitioner in the arts of ceremonial breathwork and sacred space holding, using nature as your medicine cabinet.
Prepare to guide others, as a certified ceremonial breathwork practitioner and sacred space holder, embarking on the journey to become a plant priestess.
To find out more about this special opportunity and join me on this transformative path, click the link.
Benefits of Breathwork
This Breathwork training online will teach you to harness the incredible benefits of Breathwork:
Navigate Emotions: Explore and release emotional blockages, fostering inner balance and emotional resilience.
Boost Vitality: Enhance your immune system function and overall vitality through improved oxygenation and lymphatic flow.
Integrate with Exercise: Elevate your physical performance and recovery by seamlessly integrating breathwork into your exercise routine.
Anchor in the Present: Cultivate serenity and focus by anchoring yourself in the present moment with mindful breathing.
Promote Inner Healing: Stimulate the body's natural healing processes, promoting holistic well-being and inner harmony.
Enhance Mental Clarity: Improve cognitive function and mental clarity through intentional breathwork practices.
Reduce Stress: Lower blood pressure, decrease cortisol levels, and enhance immune function with breathwork's physiological benefits.
Mindfulness and Presence: Anchor yourself in the present moment, fostering serenity and focus through mindful breathing.
And many more: Experience a myriad of additional benefits as you embark on your breathwork journey towards personal and professional growth. Learn more on my blog!
Curious to Learn More about Breathwork?
Read more about the magical benefits of breathwork and anything you need to know on my blog!
Questions and Answers About The Breathwork Training Online with Wild Bloom
If you have more questions about breathwork, I'm here for it. Send me an email at, and if your question is a common one, I'll add my answer right here.